Eyes on China is your partner in launching and expanding operations in China. In most cases, we begin our partnerships with pre-investment advisory, guiding you with our quick translations of key documents as well as an expert knowledge of Chinese language and business culture. A typical partnership may begin with:
Throughout the process, our in-depth knowledge of China, Chinese language, Sinology, and Accountancy gives us the right starting point from which to assist you in deciding how to proceed with your China investments.
Eyes on China offers individually-tailored solutions for the legal incorporation and financial administration of businesses in China. Our multi-lingual network of lawyers and accountants will work with you one-on-one to determine how we help you can create or supplement your China strategy and execution. It is our goal to serve a partners in helping you achieve your big-picture goals.
We operate with complete dedication to our clients and hold expertise and knowledge of the most current laws, rules and regulations in China.
We believe that the only sustainable way to be successful in China in the long run is to achieve a harmonious relationship with the market. We stand by our commitment to raise corporate social responsibility standards, operate using environmentally-friendly practices, and spread social and cultural preservation awareness.